I was tagged in the 5 things game. This has been circulating among bloggers for a while and bifurcated carrots tagged me last week. So, here is my list of five previously unrevealed things about me (but maybe you suspected these already):
1. Since I turned over my garden last May, I have taken 7,368 photos with my pocket-sized Pentax Optio camera (a great little 5Mp waterproof camera). That’s 921 pictures a month, 205 pictures a week, and 30 pictures every day. (I’m just glad its not film! Remember those days?) This Christmas, I was given a gift card for a fancy new camera (I’m still deciding what to buy) and I am hoping to take even more pictures next year.
2. I have a bad habit of staying up until 2 or 3 am working or blogging.
3. My car is ALWAYS dirty – dirt from the dog and dirt from gardening. I can’t seem to keep up with cleaning it out.
4. My dog heads for the door when he hears me pick up a frying pan. Very quickly and tail between his legs. And my husband gave me a nice red fire extinguisher for Christmas. What's wrong with my cooking anyway? I just like to get a good sear on the meat and prefer to cook on high. I suppose there have been a few flames now and then....
5. I garden because I find that rows of vegetable plants are very beautiful. Edible produce is an added bonus.
I will now tag the following five bloggers (from some of my favorite blogs) and invite them to list five new things about themselves, if they would like to do this (although since the game has been going on for a while, they may have already revealed everything):
My California Garden in Zone 23
Advantures in my Urban Garden
Gardening in Central Florida
May Dreams Gardens
Susan Gets Native
Thanks for the "tag". I'm working on a list and will be posting it soon. Love the one about the frying pan, that is hilarious!
Great list! We have a lot in common with the picture taking and staying up late. I bet there are many fellow gardener/bloggers who would admit to that! I can't believe you've taken THAT MANY pictures. Actually, I do believe it. Your pictures on your blogs are always great!
That's a lot of pictures!
I just found this, and am honored that you say that my blog is one of your favorites. So where are your comments on my blog, hmmm?
I will have to do this meme. Thanks!
I guess I don't leave many comments. Sorry.
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