This is a journal of my vegetable gardens. Skippy was my first dog and he thought the garden was his, even though I did all the work. Now Suzie and Charley follow in his footsteps. We're located near Boston (USDA zone 6A). I have a community plot, a backyard vegetable garden, fruit trees, berry bushes, chickens, and bees. I use sustainable organic methods and do my best to grow all of my family's vegetables myself.
Saturday, September 30, 2006
Skippy's garden: from start to peak
These pictures were taken on: May 11, June 12, June 30, July 30, August 28 and September 14.
aerial view
I really love your garden - it's so well-ordered and looks so lush!
I am beginning to start a garden near my woods. I am planting Pumpkins, peppers, flowers, corn, raspberries, and so on... I have deer, rabbits, squirrels, birds and everything under the sun come into my yard! I am putting up a fence, using Cheyenne pepper and pie pans to keep the animals away... will this work?? How to you keep the animals at bay?? The unattainable question.
I hope your fence works. I have just put up a very low fence (2 ft) only because I want to keep my dog from using the garden as a litter box. The only other animals I have here in suburbia are squirrels, that really don;t cause much problem for my vegetables. (Squirrels are only a problem for my crocuses and sunflowers.)
My parents garden in an area with deer, rabbits, etc. They have put up a 5 foot fence around their vegetable garden. You can see it here The deer and rabbits can be a real problem they tell me. The 5 foot fence works for them. Its a light weight, plastic(?) fence with an area that can be pulled back as a gate when they are gardening.
Hey, thanks for the advice. I am in Indiana and the deer are pretty crazy. But looks like if a fence will work for your parents I should have a shot with keeping animals out. Mine is 4 ft. high. I do have sunflowers, so hopefully the squirrels will get the hint to stay away. Thanks, I'll be watching your garden grow as mine does to make sure I am doing stuff right!
So like you we have had cold weather. Many of my plants have been stored in the garage with sun from the windows and let out into the Sun every day. But with the cold, they have wilted a little. Is there any hope?? I brought them into the house in front of the windows till the cold goes away. Hope it helps mend some problems??
It depends on the type of plant. If they've just wilted a bit, it sounds like they will recover. I got tired of my rosemary taking up space inside and put it out early. Its shriveled and dried up. I afraid its dead. But I'll see what happens this summer. Maybe it'll recover.
Well, lost a few sunflowers due to the huge cold front that lasted about a week. But everything is going ok inside. The weather is looking up, and this weekend I plan to plant my pumpkins / rose bush / raspberries / tulips / & maybe corn. Does that sound like a good idea? Ha, I always need approval from someone with more knowledge!
WOW! I absolutely love your garden and your blog. You have huge commitment (and patience) to be doing both. I just made a box 8 foot by 3 foot, and planted a bunch of different veggies. I am so impatient. I want things to grow up quickly. I cannot wait to sink in to some home grown tomatoes and eggplant. Basil seems to be the best for me, since I have already started to use it (with only 5 sets of leaves). keep up the great work!
I'm trying to decide what kind of trellis to build for my garden. I'd love to see closer pictures of the trellis' you use/build. I'm tired of staking the individual tomato plants - it looks so messy and inconsistent... Thanks! Lisa
I really love your garden - it's so well-ordered and looks so lush!
That's a great series of shots! Very nicely done.
A great series of shots ... up, up. up!
I am beginning to start a garden near my woods. I am planting Pumpkins, peppers, flowers, corn, raspberries, and so on... I have deer, rabbits, squirrels, birds and everything under the sun come into my yard! I am putting up a fence, using Cheyenne pepper and pie pans to keep the animals away... will this work?? How to you keep the animals at bay?? The unattainable question.
-Keith H
Hi Keith,
I hope your fence works. I have just put up a very low fence (2 ft) only because I want to keep my dog from using the garden as a litter box. The only other animals I have here in suburbia are squirrels, that really don;t cause much problem for my vegetables. (Squirrels are only a problem for my crocuses and sunflowers.)
My parents garden in an area with deer, rabbits, etc. They have put up a 5 foot fence around their vegetable garden. You can see it here
The deer and rabbits can be a real problem they tell me. The 5 foot fence works for them. Its a light weight, plastic(?) fence with an area that can be pulled back as a gate when they are gardening.
Good luck with your garden!
Hey, thanks for the advice. I am in Indiana and the deer are pretty crazy. But looks like if a fence will work for your parents I should have a shot with keeping animals out. Mine is 4 ft. high. I do have sunflowers, so hopefully the squirrels will get the hint to stay away. Thanks, I'll be watching your garden grow as mine does to make sure I am doing stuff right!
-Keith H
So like you we have had cold weather. Many of my plants have been stored in the garage with sun from the windows and let out into the Sun every day. But with the cold, they have wilted a little. Is there any hope?? I brought them into the house in front of the windows till the cold goes away. Hope it helps mend some problems??
It depends on the type of plant. If they've just wilted a bit, it sounds like they will recover. I got tired of my rosemary taking up space inside and put it out early. Its shriveled and dried up. I afraid its dead. But I'll see what happens this summer. Maybe it'll recover.
Well, lost a few sunflowers due to the huge cold front that lasted about a week. But everything is going ok inside. The weather is looking up, and this weekend I plan to plant my pumpkins / rose bush / raspberries / tulips / & maybe corn. Does that sound like a good idea? Ha, I always need approval from someone with more knowledge!
Sorry, that was from me -Keith
How many hours of sun do you get in your garden? I have a small yard that doesn't face the sun; on a good sunny day, it gets at least 6 hours of sun.
WOW! I absolutely love your garden and your blog. You have huge commitment (and patience) to be doing both. I just made a box 8 foot by 3 foot, and planted a bunch of different veggies. I am so impatient. I want things to grow up quickly. I cannot wait to sink in to some home grown tomatoes and eggplant. Basil seems to be the best for me, since I have already started to use it (with only 5 sets of leaves). keep up the great work!
Love your garden. Recognized some of the photos from "Grow" magazine (Vol. 3 2010). I hope my veggie patch looks this good one day.
Glad you recognized my photos. Its fun to sell pictures to a nice magazine!
I will have one in the next issue (Vol 4) too. A photo of potato volunteers growing in my compost bin.
Congratulations for your beautiful garden
Holy cow, your garden is a beauty :)
I'm trying to decide what kind of trellis to build for my garden. I'd love to see closer pictures of the trellis' you use/build. I'm tired of staking the individual tomato plants - it looks so messy and inconsistent... Thanks!
Beautiful garden, and the photos are amazing!
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