Another good week in the garden. I didn't know there was anything left to harvest. Thought small carrot and beet tops meant no roots. But when I pulled them I found lots of nice baby roots for both. Delicious!
And I hadn't looked close at my patch of fall greens to see the baby bok choy. These were excellent sauteed with garlic and ginger.
I was able to pick a full bowl of salad greens - some curly red lettuce, mizuna, cilantro, and other greens/purples whose names I don't know. (The arugula left from spring was too sharp too eat.)
How do you save your leeks? I had a lot more success this year than I expected and I have a good dozen or so more leeks still in the ground. If I don't do something soon the temps will drop and they'll freeze there.
My leeks just go in plastic in the fridge. I try to use them in place of onions anytime I can. Maybe someone else knows of a way to store them. Maybe freeze a big batch of leek and potato soup!
Some of my roses are in bloom...
I'm curious when your last planting was to have the small greens + salad greens to harvest about now. Maybe it will help me plan for a November harvest next year!
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