This is a collection of photos of my harvests this year.
How do you measure the success of a garden? The weight of your produce? The number of meals? A new variety discovered? The hours of pleasure? The number of broken fingernails and splinters? Good sleep after hard work... relaxation after a job all week... fresh garden martinis...
I'm trying to think of a way to rate my garden this year. It has brought piles of potatoes, days of digging, dreams of dirt, melon martinis, and filled the grill with vegetables all season.
This year I saw my first hummingbird moth, jumped with surprise then came to expect the fat toad in my garden. I had some success with organic parasitic wasps for control of corn ear worms. I picked and ate my first homegrown pear. I had lots of splinters and cuts and bruises. My son and husband constructed a new fence to keep out the burgeoning (and very cute) bunny population. And the dirt in my garden is looking exceptionally rich and dark.
While I've missed sweet potatoes, celeriac, and popcorn this year, I've had great crops of summer squash, fava beans, potatoes, cucumbers and eggplants. My parents had a good year with celery, tomatoes and beets - and way-over-the-top abundance of cucumbers and pumpkins. At the close of the season, it is a time for giving thanks for all the gifts our gardens give.
And I think our gardens give us much more than we can eat.
Yes, I agree. There is more to gardening than just the produce that you get (though this is very nice!).
How I enjoy your blog. Though I now garden in San Diego, my first vegetable gardens were in Ipswich, MA. I too blog about vegetable gardens and occasionally reminisce about New England gardens. With that thought, you might enjoy my blog posts this week, "Reflections on November in Massachusetts" and the previous post which recalls Jim Crockett and planting peas.
Susan Martin
What fantastic yields you have had during the year and great pictures! I don't think the measure of success necessarily needs to be quantified or categorised. The success is already apparent with the fantastic lifestyle and rewards that come with it all.
really nice job very enjoyable year keeping up with your garden and your blogg...
Lovely post. Our gardens bring us much more than pounds of produce. Beautiful photos of your bountiful harvest.
Hi there, what a brilliant list of accomplishments. If your heart, spirit and "tummy" feel warm and full with what you have achieved this year, that is all you need.
You are a brill gardener and garden diary writer, so many look forward to reading your entries. Get it on with the Thanksgiving Martinis, you need to get the mix right so ahead tastings help!!
Marian (LondonUK)
I was thinking the same Marian - its time for a martini post and these take quite a bit of pretasting!
And I am thankful to you (and to Skippy) for posting information and encouragement so that I could re-learn how to play in the dirt! This year I grew my first pumpkins and I used one to decorate my front door stoop (very proud pumpkin grower here). And last Sunday I was out in my garden picking fresh parsley for my homemade chicken soup. Thank you!
Sounds very successful! :) Sounds like you have lots to be thankful for.
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