April 31 and April 9, 2011
March 20 and February 1, 2011
Jan 12, 2011 and December 24, 2010
November 21 and October 6, 2010
August 28 and August 5, 2010
May 30 and April 22, 2010
As my garden starts to take shape for another season, I looked back on last year's photos. The garden was very shady last year (that backyard tree just keeps growing!) and I had all my tomatoes, potatoes and peppers at home following the late blight the previous summer. Not good crops for partial sunlight.
This year, the tomatoes, potatoes and peppers will all rotate back to my community plot where they can have SUN. AND, we had a giant branch removed from the backyard shade tree and I'm hoping the garden gets more sun this year.
I just went back to look at my garden plans that I drew up in the middle of the winter. My side yard garden will be planted with dill, cucumbers, peas and beans this year. Not on the plan, but I'll put some kale and cilantro here too. The peas are up an inch or two already.
Do you grow squash? I have seedlings of Waltham Butternut to set out, and I don't know whether to let them sprawl or grow them in my infinite supply of tomato cages :-) Do the squash mind being on the ground? Thanks.
Two years ago I got an amazing harvest from Waltham Butternut - on the ground. It sprawls fine. I think I only planted 5 plants, and got about 8 good sized squashes from each!
Last year I planted these again and they just didn't produce as well. I'm not sure what I did differently. The weather was warmer and dryer. But this is my favorite winter squash so I look forward to planting again.
Thanks, sprawl it is.
Love the photos of the garden through the seasons. I think that is what makes us gardeners...seeing that ton of snow, lifeless area, and bringing it to life with plants is so satisfying and actually eating the goodies from those plants is the best reward.
Absolutely love looking at the change of seasons in your garden, although I am mostly drawn to spring and summer. Good luck with everything!
I LOVE the pictures fo your plot through the seasons. Amazing!
Wishing you a great harvest in 2011, your blog is so interesting.
Just started my own about striving for a more self-sufficient lifestyle in an urban area.
Martin :)
I love the aerial photo's and the "time lapse" effect. Gleaned some really great ideas for raised beds. Was wondering if you leave your cold frame lids on all year?
Great article. I love vegetable seeds. Great post.
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