Saturday, April 30, 2011

my side yard vegetable garden


I continued today with working on cleaning up my side yard garden. The rose on the fence always need a lot of trimming in the spring. I'm gradually clearing old leaves and last year's vegetable debris from the beds. Also removing weeds. The dandelions are especially vigorous this year.

window view


Hopes Handcrafts said...

Love your glass(less)-house....Your garden looks fabulous!

Enjoy your spring planting. It's autumn here in New Zealand.


Quin McCoy said...

Very cool. I am jealous. A group of us in the Richmond VA area have started a garden blog also.

Jen said...

I enjoy watching the seasons in your garden.

Gail said...

Love your side yard garden. I want to put in some cold frames, in time.
Dandelions are great things to have. I know most people hate them, but if you will pick the flowers and make a tea with them you can make jelly, or of you need a sunburn remedy soak a wash cloth in the cooled tea, wring it out and put on the sunburn.

Mariah From the Machine Shed Blog said...

Your gardens look amazing! So organized.