This bird house is right on our patio. Its fun to watch the busy chickadees go about their spring activities. They don't seem to mind us too much. As long as we don't look at them, they go in and out of the house with sweet little chirps.
garden birds (Hortus Aves)
my back patio
2009 chickadees
What a great photo! did you have a long telephoto lens? I remember sitting hidden inside my greenhouse last year in temperatures over 100F just waiting for my tits to show up so I could take a picture. Oh... that's what we call chickadees in England....tits!
What a great photo. I had some nesting in a bird house I had left on a picnik bench in the garden one year. They are so sweet.
That is fantastic! What a sweet sight.
No trouble getting this photo because the house is 5 ft from where I sat on the patio all Saturday doing computer work. They got quite used to me.
That looks sweet. Nice photo.
So sweet! I love the song of these birds... I could hear them all day on Saturday and Sunday as I gardened calling back to each other. And, they are not not shy either I can get them to come up close to me at our feeder on our back deck.
What a cutie! Nice picture!
My chickadees are nesting too! I wish I could get a picture like that! Awesome!
So sweet. Chickadees are one of my favorite birds... Great photo!
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