Pisum sativum
This is a journal of my vegetable gardens. Skippy was my first dog and he thought the garden was his, even though I did all the work. Now Suzie and Charley follow in his footsteps. We're located near Boston (USDA zone 6A). I have a community plot, a backyard vegetable garden, fruit trees, berry bushes, chickens, and bees. I use sustainable organic methods and do my best to grow all of my family's vegetables myself.
I've given up on peas. The soil where I had them was too rocky maybe. Resort to buying them at the market. Fresh peas are so good!
I'm all for giving up on growing them.
I almost gave up, but tried again this spring and had my best pea crop ever. And it took literally years of trying.
It doesn't seem like inoculant was your problem.
I hope the capucijners do better. In my experience they are hardier and more prolific than most other pea plants.
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