Friday, November 29, 2019

black Friday seed planting

Everyone's at the mall and I'm planting seeds! I planted seeds for some herbs that I plan to grow on my kitchen window sill in February and March. I also planted arugula that I plan to grow in the garage under lights to add to our winter salads. I have not planted at this time of year before - so don't take my word for it that this will work! But I love to experiment.

Photo two days later: the arugula is up. Why do I always plant arugula so dense? I need to move this tray to the light shelf now. There is hardly any light from the sun these days. I just wanted to watch them sprout on the windowsill.


1 comment:

Auntie Beak said...

I may be a zone or two warmer than you, but I'm still in New England (southern CT), and I'm also quite reluctant to say goodbye to my growing season, so, like you, I'm experimenting with microgreens, lettuces, and tiny tomato plants (Red Robin). Good luck!