The rain is cold and dreary for me, but my plants are enjoying it, it seems. Peas and asparagus are sprouting.
Earlier in the week, I planted a bed with spring greens. I have several colors of lettuce, so I tried to mix it up and make a pretty bed. I hope the pattern will be nice when it grows up. The bed has lettuce, spinach, arugula, kale, escarole, bunching onions, and a few marigolds.

Other things going on in my garden are some nice big garlic sprouts and the last few heads of spinach, escarole, and lettuce left over from my winter tunnel.

What do you use for a pea trellis? This is my first year trying them and I'm nervous my trellis is inadequate.
I just added 3 new raised beds and planted my asparagus today (along with brick edging and wood chip mulching my 2 new front garden beds). My peas are just starting to sprout, but my garlic looks much like yours! All of my inside starts are looking great too!
You must be a tad warmer since you're closer to Boston. Here in the hills of central MA, it's been a slow start.
your garden looks wonderful.... have you started on you community garden yet...looking forward to those photos.... we are having more rain here in the nw... had one sunny day on Friday and has been raining ever since....I got spinach and sweet pea seedlings in and seeded snow peas and snap peas on Friday...I pre-sprout my peas on paper towels so they have little tails when I seed them in the garden... really speeds up their growth...we are supposed to have rain all week... my garden is so far behind
It is looking great! I find new spring growth so exciting!
Your spring garden is looking wonderful!!
Nothing says satisfaction more than seeing the vegetables flourishing! Very inspiring!
Just what I need. To work the earth and eat from my garden.
My friend and I decided to go strawberry and sugar snap peas picking yesterday. The peas farm is pretty dried up already but there were still some peas left. Problem is there are rows of sugar snap peas followed by rows of garden peas. Problem is, how do I know which is which when I'm looking at the plants? Can you teach me how or do you have pictures of the leaves (or something) to share, so that I will know in the future? Thanks!
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