Sunday, June 28, 2015

new compost bins

compost bins IMG_2172

About a month ago, my husband made me a pair of new compost bins. They are beautiful!! A big improvement over the 5 little round plastic ones I had before.

The photos show how he made them. Slats are spaced 1 inch. The front panel sits in a slot at the bottom and it then held in place with a removable screw and bolt. In the spring, I will remove the front panels to turn and use the compost. A really nice feature is that he made a step on the side of each so I can get up inside easier if I need to retrieve something or compress the compost.

IMG_2675IMG_2685 IMG_2681 IMG_2702IMG_2705 IMG_2706IMG_2694

1 comment:

Ralph said...

Good design, well executed.

Since I had old wooden stakes and wire mesh fencing sections lying around, I drilled ground holes using a power augur to seat the stakes firmly and stapled the fencing sections in place around them.

The result was long rectangles having dimensions of an Indore Pile, see