Thanks very much to all who helped to test it!! Purchase of the app is $1.99 and will include all updates for the season. I welcome comments on the app here.

Description: An easy-to-use app that creates a personalized seed-sowing calendar based on the average last frost date in your garden.Please leave comments here on how you like the app and suggestions for improvements. We are excited to build on this version. Our plans include adding an android version. Adding Fall and Winter calendars. Increasing functionality such as specific crop culture information. Let us know what else would be useful.
The app is a mobile device version of the on-line Spring Planting Calendar that is linked to on my sidebar and has been there for over 5 years now. (It's used by about 10,000 people a year!) The advantage of the app over the on-line calendar is that the readout can be always with you on your mobile device and you save paper by never needing to print it out. Once set-up, the app saves your calendar and can open to the current date showing tasks that need to be done that week. The app also allows crop selection and includes transplant and succession plating dates.
Purchase of the app will include all updates for the season. Updates planned include the addition of several more vegetables and the addition of a reminder function.
It's there!
It's there! I'm downloading now.
Where? I can't find it.
I finally found it by looking under "Skippy apps" and then scrolling down to the bottom. It doesn't come up by searching for the apps full name. Not under gardening either. We will have to do something about that. I will figure out how to link it to the banner on my side bar.
I searched "Skippy's garden" and found it.
Hi Kathy,
Downloaded and installed on my ipad. Working great, seems to have detected my location and assigned the correct growing zone (unless it defaults to zone 6 which is yours and also mine here in Connecticut).
Thanks for the nifty app! (have you thought of developing one for crop rotation through raised beds)?
I think the default is May 10, which is the date for our area.
Crop rotation is a great idea! Thanks! I would find this very useful.
Kathy, I'm just north of you in Chelmsford and got your app. I've enjoyed your blog for awhile. I know my to do list now. Need to plant those onion seeds that came in the mail last week. Thanks
If any app user have time to post a review at the Apple site it would be super! No reviews yet, but super sales.
Kathy, I downloaded the app a few days ago and really love it-- very user-friendly. I especially appreciate having the fall and winter garden calendars integrated, since we had our first winter garden last year and it was a great success. I needed a better way to keep track of the timing on everything!
I do have one suggestion for the next update. There are a few things I'm growing that your app doesn't include, such as parsnips, upland cress, and some winter greens (mizuna, mache, claytonia...). So I'd love to see an update that either a) includes more herbs, flowers, vegetables, or b) better yet, since you're unlikely to cover everyone's full list, allows users to add in their own additional crops. Think that's possible?
I'm really glad the calendar is useful for you. The update released this week had some good format improvements too.
Thanks for the ideas for additional crops. Parsnips are on the calendar already. Two weeks before last frost. That's the same date for a fall planting. I'll talk with my coder Amelia if it's possible for people to add their own crops. This would be good as do many varieties can be different. Interesting idea. Aside from this, I am hoping to get a full separate calendar for herbs and for flowers by next year. Winter greens are a great idea too.
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