Another very chilly day. The day was ~10-25*F. Fortunately less wind than yesterday. Lots of birds were on the big pond (Fresh Pond in Cambridge). The ones I saw:
20 Canvas back ducks
20 Ring necked ducks
50 Canada geese
a pair of bufflehead ducks
maybe a male wood duck?
lots of sea gulls
a few robins
and a Coopers hawk eating his dinner
Thank you for sharing such a beautiful photo ... I could almost hear "The Twelve Days of Christmas" as I read the list of birds ... I won't ask who Mr. Cooper invited to be his dinner ...
That's a whole lot bigger than our local pond (Home to 7 swans, some tufted ducks, mallards and occasionally a heron)
Beautiful, from Saturday to Tuesday we had frosty, cold bright days and the birds outside the workshop have busy eating seed and birdcakes we made.
I love your picture. We have had several snow storms and I am ready to get my hands in the dirt.
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