I picked all my apples today. A bit early. The squirrel had started eating one (he thinks they're ready!) and hurricane Irene is coming in tomorrow and I don't know if the wind might blow then around. The 20 heavy apples seemed so big on my little tree! Some branches were weighted down almost to the grass.
I've read that apples ripen up after picking. They sure look pretty! I'm admiring them in a bowl on my table.
They sure look good. Hope all is well after Irene sweeps through.
I am jealous of your beautiful apples. I planted a Northern Spy this season and didn't get a single one.
They are so shiny! Looks really good
I love your garden and the fact that you get fresh fruits and vegetables. I picked fresh tomatoes recently and there is a world of difference in taste.
They are beautiful! Did they happen to be very sweet?
The garden so beautiful and more enjoyable. There are surrounding good apple and sweets apple so that when ever will be go to in that place that can be more enjoy.
Thanks for the chicken coops link. These look cool. Please leave a more legible comment next time.
The apples look so delicous... Beautiful
Man o man those apples look delicious! I am almost at the point of growing my own in order to make some fresh apple pies! Home grown is still by far the best. Cheers. :)
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