peas planted!

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

fresh snap peas

snap peas IMG_6577

I picked a giant bowl full of snap peas this week. I was thinking I'd make snap pea pickles, which sound great to me. But I haven't done that yet and we're eating them pretty fast raw with dips and briefly cooked as a side dish. And ... kind of silly, but we did put a few in a martini. Grey Goose vodka and very fresh snap peas....

snap pea martinis IMG_6579

Sunday, June 26, 2016

I'm so busy in my garden - ALL the time. I can't believe I'm a garden blogger and I can't find time to write about my garden because I'm too busy gardening!

Well, life happens too. My dad died and we are planning a service next week. It's one reason I'm in the garden - it's my favorite place.