Our full season app has just been released at the Apple store. It includes spring, fall and winter planting calendars all in one. You can make a calendar with all seasons, or turn one or two seasons off.
Like our previous calendars, it gives you tasks by the week - like a real calendar. Other planting calendars list times by crop so you can't easily see what you need to do now. That's the main benefit of our app, I think. Also we have transplant times listed. And you can email me or comment here if you have a question.
We keep adding updates. I think we'll add some phenology soon, that is, traditional planting advice based on the seasonal flora and fauna changes. This is fun to know, but in odd winters like this in NE, phenology can help adjust traditional calendar planting dates. I still haven't heard those female redwing blackbirds, but the males are singing loudly. Peas are supposed to go in when the females show up.
BTW, if you have our spring calendar already, the update to full season is free.
Here is the link:
Skippy's Full Season calendar