peas planted!

Wednesday, December 05, 2012

advancing cold front

clouds 019 We've had a nice couple days of 60*F weather. Skippy and I have enjoyed walking our usual trails in the balmy warmth. But a cold front is moving in. That's December....


  1. Hi Kathy,

    I've been such a fan of your blog and am grateful for the time, effort, and care you put into it--with sharing information freely with others. Such generosity. I rarely comment but I noticed this morning, on another website with a news story about a Florida garden, that it uses a photo that I am sure is yours. This type of occurrence must happen all the time, and perhaps you gave permission to the author, but I just wanted to share my morning's observation with you.

    Yours in gardening and love of dogs!
    Karen Clark

  2. Oh, I am sorry, Kathy. I meant to give you the link:

  3. Should be another several days of rain beating down on our campsite near Pittsburgh. Was lovely having a break from it with today's sunny weather and nearly five hours of flying.

  4. We're beginning to experience regular frosts here as well. Glad that garlic is finally in...

  5. Thanks Karen. It does happen a lot. I left them a note asking them to contact me if they want to use my photos since it does appear to be a commercial site.

  6. Isn't it strange about a "winter" sky (we're still technically in autumn. I have an oil painting of the church where my grandparents were baptized in Sweden and see the same colors in the sky at this time of year. Great capture!

  7. From where I sit winter is definitely a garden of the mind's eye! Get out the books and magazines.

  8. Missing your comments this month, hope all is well.
