peas planted!

Friday, September 07, 2012

fast growing greens

Lettuce and escarole on September 6 september garden plot 015
 The same plot, two weeks before - Aug 23
fertilizer 008

We've had perfect weather for the fall seedlings. It's amazing how fast they're growing. Next week I'll apply another dose of my new fish fertilizer to keep them growing. Since they sent the fertilizer to me free, I am doing a little advertising for them. You can order this fertilizer here: Fish Rich.


  1. So jealous! I'm already planning next year's garden after all our building this year. Yum!

  2. Hi Kathy, I am I interested in the Fish Rich products. Do you recommend regular or fish rich plus? Do you see difference results from one?

    Their website recommends 2 T per gallon. Is this how you apply?

  3. Hi Kathy, Fish Rich products look interesting. Which formulation do you prefer? Do you see different results?


  4. I have used fish fertilizer for years on everything. It always works wonders. I use 2 tablespoons per gallon.
