peas planted!

Sunday, May 06, 2018

favorite sounds

As I go to bed, I am listening out the window to rain falling after a nice spring day in the garden. One of my favorite sounds. I can just imagine the plants growing and the soil drinking in the moisture.


  1. my cold frame is least for now, until it is time to seed the second planting... all that is left is to plant my dahlias...all 22 of them, they are all divided and ready...and pot up the white geraniums for my porch and my seedlings of gazania for the deck... happy spring... nw organic gardener

  2. My dad used to take me camping all the time- the sound of the rain hitting the trees and the roof of the tent was so peaceful... We won't be camping for a while though, just got over pneumonia and he's not as energetic as he used to be. I've been helping him in the garden since then.
