peas planted!

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

spring red winged blackbirds

The red winged blackbirds are a full month early this year!!! I saw a small flock of 4 or so males at a nearby pond a few days ago and have been listening to them (cookalokooo) from my window today. We’re having the warmest February on record here. I don’t see much spring going on with the trees and bushes outside. but the birds are reflecting the warmth.

I’m tempted to plant peas now. My soil is workable. The old saying is to plant peas when the female red winged blackbirds arrive. I’ll prepare some soil and listen for the click click of the females replying to the males.

1 comment:

  1. I hadn't given any thought to watching for the blackbirds yet, so I'm not sure when they did show up here in east central Iowa. Last night I saw one in the roadside weeds. This morning, saw more on the power lines like they're staking out territory already. Way. Too. Blasted. Early.
