peas planted!

Monday, January 01, 2018

happy new year!

Wow, things are looking up! It’s New Year’s morning and only 41 days and counting ‘til I start planting! In 5 weeks - Feb 12 - the onion seeds go in.  It’s a brutal cold week - not above freezing for several weeks and nights often into negative numbers. But I’m going to start moving on my garden plan, organizing seeds, and cleaning seedling pots.

I have to admit that I escaped from the cold for a few days. I’m returning today from a few days in southern Florida (Naples area) with my Mom. I bought her a pruning saw and some nice clippers at Ace hardware and then I got some sun (a lot of sun) while I pruned the jungle-like bushes and small trees around her house. I love pruning!

Now a mimosa (!) in the airport to start the year off. I’ll be back home with my family and dogs in a few hours. I’ll change from sandals to boots, find my warm coat, and brave the snow and ice. Then I look forward to getting out my garden planing tools and drawing up garden plans for 2018!!!

Happy New Year - happy new gardens


  1. your post was a happy surprise today... you got me excited about the count down till seed planting/garden planning 2018... somehow thinking of it in days seems to make it feel that much sooner! a pleasant, warm, green thought given the arctic climate we have been living in these days! lol.
    again- happy new year! may the year be filled with blessings both in and out of the garden!

  2. Maybe my positiveness here was due to my brief travel to a warm location (and the mimosa). It is sure is brutal here now. I landed at Logan this afternoon over our snowscape with many passengers moaning about the temperature. Nevertheless I look forward to getting involved this week with serious garden planning. I have already ordered seeds and got a box last week. I’ll organize them and look at what’s left in my seed collection. I’m also thinking pleasant warm green thoughts. Thanks for your note Chris.

  3. Happy New Year to you too! 41 days to planting makes the rest of winter sound so much more tolerable. I had enough of the single-digit degree high days just reading about them in the forecast, let alone after they actually got here. We'll not discuss my feelings about below zero degree high days :-) I'm looking forward to reading about your gardening, I fear my gardening will be minimal again this year.

  4. I agree. There's something really cathartic about a good pruning job.

    I got my seed order in this weekend. Thankfully, I can plant mine earlier being in Maryland and all.

    Good luck staying warm up north!
