peas planted!

Monday, February 16, 2015

snow, snow, snow

snow covered garden IMG_0203
I'm watching to see if my garden hoops get covered with snow this year. The fence is 5 feet high. I certainly hope it doesn't get covered!

I'm also wondering if I'll be able to find places to put my raw compost if we get any more snow. After each storm, I dig out a couple of the bins up near my kitchen. (The garden bin is covered with deep snow with no path to get there - I certainly can't use that one.) The snow mixes with raw compost and and the bins fill up very fast. I need to clean out my chicken coop soon and I suppose I'll have to dig a hole in the snow and pile the coop waste in and plan to put it into a bin after the snow melts.

compost bins IMG_0217compost bin IMG_0200
And speaking of the chicken coop, yes, its still there. I dig it out after every snow storm and clean off the glass roof. The power plug failed a week ago and it took a few days for us to notice. The coop morning light went out and the water froze up. We fixed it, but the older hens stopped laying. I'm getting two eggs a day now from my two young hens.

chicken coop IMG_0192chicken coop IMG_0188
chickens IMG_0211chicken coop IMG_0191
We've dug paths in the yard to get to the bird feeders, compost bins, chicken coop, and for the dogs to get around. To get out to the garden area, I put on my snow shoes and slog through the snow. It seems we are flattening a new path every other day. Its really pretty, but a lot of work.

paths in the yard IMG_0215patio without a view IMG_0216
snow view IMG_0131
This week's snow storms are predicted for Tuesday and Thursday.....


  1. The view from my bedroom....

  2. Glad I am not the only one digging out the hen house! The Jersey Shore is getting hit with snow (not as bad as Boston but still). So first things first I get dressed, grab my shovel and start digging. Anyways, I won't need to renew my gym membership this winter.

  3. Wow, you have been hit hard this year. Over here in Western Washington we have been enjoying high 50s for most of winter, which unfortunately means that in the summer there won't be enough snow melt to keep the reservoirs full and a "drought" will ensue. (We are the only place I think where we will declare drought conditions during a week long rain storm).

  4. Marian (LondonUK)February 19, 2015 4:13 AM

    Goodness me, you have snow trenches! Looks really pretty and it's o.k., if you have nowhere to go and provisions in. Hope you don't get loads more Thursday.
    Marian (LondonUK)

  5. I know you're probably sick of the snow, but I miss it so much! That bedroom view is spectacular!
