peas planted!

Monday, January 26, 2015

the eve of the big snow storm?...

All day today I've been hearing the words "historic", "epic", "snow-mageddon", "a top 5 storm". We are predicted to get 2-3 feet of snow with 50 mph winds all night and all day tomorrow. Other words I hear are "hunker down", "school closures", "state-of-emergency", "power outages expected". Wow.

Well, I think we're prepared. We have a generator and plenty of food (and beverages) in the house. The gardens will be happy with the snow cover. The chickens are snug. Their small coop is solid wood, their big run has a new glass roof and we lowered the tarps that protect the sides. I filled their food and water and I plugged in their ceramic heat bulb. I think they'll be good.

COOP READY FOR SNOW IMG_0030COOP ready for snow IMG_0031

1 comment:

  1. Hi, batten down the hatches! I love "snow-mageddon" ha ha! The chicken coop looks great.

    Hope the storm isn't as bad as predicted, but as you say some snow for the ground is good. You could always pop an icicle in your Martini!

    Marian (LondonUK)
