peas planted!

Thursday, December 25, 2014

christmas day

Pictures of my garden on Christmas Day. Happy Holidays all! christmas rose IMG_1283 baby savoy cabbage IMG_1212christmas day garden IMG_1241 chickens IMG_1203cbaby broccoli IMG_1210 christmas day garden IMG_1207 I hate to show it, but here's what the voles have done to my tunnel. vole-eaten tunnel IMG_1215 I was told that castor oil is the solution to voles in winter tunnels. I see several web sites that explain how to use it. Next year I will have a beautiful tunnel!


  1. Yes! My young black australorp started laying last week. She's laying neatly an egg a day. Five so far. I'm hoping the rest will start again soon now that the sunlight is increasing.

  2. I see some bee hives!

  3. My second pulley is now laying. Yeah two hens laying eggs. I guess the older girls are waiting for more light.

  4. Yes I have some bee hives that I hope to learn enough about to fill this spring. I can't find a local class so I have a book to read.

  5. "This Old House" had a segment on bee keeping. Maybe you can find the video on their web site.
