Monday, November 03, 2014

varieties in my winter greens bed

I'll see if I can remember all the varieties of greens I planted in my winter bed.
(This is a panorama photograph shot with my I-phone.)

winter bed IMG_2450 - From left to right:
Lettuce, Looseleaf Green, Green Oak leaf
Lettuce, Butterhead Green, Victoria
Spinach, Spargo
Lettuce, Looseleaf Red, Prizehead
Lettuce, Romaine Green, Winter Density
Broccoli, Diplomat
Kale, Wild
Kale, Tuscan
Asian Green, Mizuna
Lettuce, Looseleaf Red, Skyphos
Endive, Olesh Tres Fine
Escarole, Broadleaf Batavian
Escarole, Natacha


Janice in NY said...

I'm looking forward to hearing how long you can harvest. Next year I might try a winter greens bed.

kb said...

Thanks so much!

kathy said...

I should try the same plants side-by-side with and without the plastic and hoops some day to see just how much longer I can extend the harvest.

I had a cold frame for the past 3 years and had good success. Mostly, the success was in the spring though, rather than extending the fall. The plants would perk up and grow with the spring light.

The light is good for growing in spring before the weather warms, but its the opposite in fall: the light fails before the weather chills. I had a really nice cold frame full of March and April spinach one year.

Janice in NY said...

I only have chives that early in the spring, so having spinach to harvest sounds wonderful. I'll have to try a cold frame next year.

Anonymous said...

looks amazing!!