peas planted!

Thursday, September 04, 2014

today's harvest

harvest _9576 From my community garden plot.


  1. WOW! What a delightful and varied harvest. Looks like the result of some seriously smart planning. =) Plus, of course, lotsa work. =)

  2. Your Napa cabbage is so beautiful and it is huge. Which variety of Napa cabbage is it? And when did you plant it for it to size up so nicely in early September? Thanks!

  3. That's quite a napa cabbage I've never been able to grow one that big. The pears look great too.

  4. Beautiful harvest especially the Napa cabbages. I am surprised that you can harvest the cabbages this early - probably due to a cool summer in the Northeast. When did you plant the Napa cabbages and which specific varieties are those? Thank you.

  5. The Napa is Mini Kisaku 50, Hybrid, form Kitzawa Seed Co. I planted it from seed in April of this year and transplanted to the garden in late May.

    Yes, the summer has been a few degrees cooler than usual. In the last couple years, this same variety has not headed up for me.

  6. Kathy, thanks for the answers! I will seek out the Mini Kisaku seeds next year. My variety planted is called Qindao from Botanical Interest. It is slightly bitter than Napa cabbages that I used to purchase from Asian market.
