peas planted!

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Skippy in T-shirt on Emily's quilt

skippy with T-shirt 9364 Skippy is looking very handsome in his T-shirt. He's wearing it to protect his surgery site. He got 6 stitches in his back where a suspicious lump was removed. It was an ugly lump - I'm glad its gone. The surgery doesn't seem to have bothered Skippy much, but I am keeping him quiet for a week - no running or jumping or playing.

Skippy is sitting on a quilt that a reader of my blog, Emily Lewis, hand quilted for me. She did a really beautiful job! Her website is: Emily Lewis Quilts. There's a picture of my quilt on her site. She finished my quilt in March of 2013, I remember. I remember I got a notice to pick it up at the post office, but couldn't get there for two days because of the house arrest in the Watertown area after the Marathon bombing. What a time!


  1. Beautiful Quilt! Handsome Dog!

  2. Best to Skippy...I did not know he needed surgery. Thanks for posting Emily's website. She has lovely things and I saw your quilt; beautiful. Too many things to do!

  3. Skippy's lump turned out to be a benign adeno-something-other. But its gone now and the site is healing very well. Stitches will come out Friday. When I go in to the vet, I will make an appointment for Suzie to be spayed. Poor Suzie....

  4. Marian (LondonUK)August 28, 2014 4:13 AM

    Ah, look at him. Get well soon Skippy!
    Great quilt, bet that took some time to make, will check out the website but importing something so heavy to the UK will probably cost a lot. Depending on where she is located, perhaps I could visit next time we come to the U.S.
    Marian (LondonUK)
