peas planted!

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

another egg

first two eggs My second egg! This one is medium brown with a few dark speckles. Penny, my Black Australorp, is the one who lays that color egg. Yeah Penny! Penny's first egg is a quite a bit bigger than Ginger's first egg yesterday. Both eggs are probably a size that would be called "peewee".


  1. Congrats again! Woohooo! My flock raised last summer is finally all laying. They lay small at first, My Black Australorp, Halle was laying good sized eggs within a few days. My Easter Eggers lay slightly smaller eggs.

  2. It seems so amazing to just walk out back to the hen house and get eggs. It's like when I grew my first carrot! I am so thrilled.

  3. I didn't visit your blog for a few days and all of a sudden you get two eggs!!! lol! I know you've been waiting for this. Congrats again! Love to follow your story.

  4. Such a pretty pair!

  5. Yes Stefani, Suddenly I have laying hens! It caught me by surprise too.
