peas planted!

Friday, October 26, 2012

fall vegetable garden

october vegetable garden plot 012 october vegetable garden plot 021 october vegetable garden plot 016 october vegetable garden plot 015 october vegetable garden plot 009
These are photos of my vegetable garden plot today. "Before" the storm. I am hearing reports that we may have a "super storm" coming our way in a couple of days. Wind and rain.

I think most of my vegetables will be OK with this. There's really not much left to blow around. The tall sunflowers and trellised squashes are gone. Today I cut down my asparagus ferns and laid them flat on the bed to protect the roots during the winter. Tomorrow I will dig the dahlia tubers, harvest the big cabbages, and the last of my broccoli. I haven't finished digging the sweet potatoes, but they will be fine with wind and rain. Most everything that's left now is pretty well hunkered down under a layer of hay. I will stack the chairs and put a big rock on them and lie my garden tools flat.

I am hoping the storm doesn't do much damage to anyone.


  1. Would love to be able to find salt marsh hay in my area, it looks very stylish as it wisps over things in your garden!

    Best of weathering the storm--hopefully just some rain and a little wind, then life as usual.

  2. Kathy - I hope you and your garden weather the storm with no problems.

    I've had bad luck with hurricanes. Last year, the storm killed all my winter squash and melons, just as they were coming into their own. The forecast for Sandy was 10+ inches of rain so I had to harvest the sweet potatoes or lose them. Dug nearly 200 pounds of sweet potatoes, hauled them to the house. What a job! They are now curing in the guest bathroom (an electric heater keeps temps around 85).

    Take care!
