peas planted!

Thursday, August 02, 2012

volunteer squash

volunteer butternut 032 Here's the fruit on the volunteer squash plant that came up in the middle of my onion patch. Looks yummy! A big buttercup. Another one is forming now. The vine is enormous. I think I may save seeds from these vigourous squashes. (Then I can pant them where I want them next year.)


  1. Its been hot here in Hamilton Ont. this post makes me laugh, the two neighbours at the community plot have these. I tried to grow watermelon this year my crimson watermelon is now bigger than there squash, got one full month before frost i am praying for a couple of big watermelons. Going down there today with the video cam to film them in case anything happens to them.

  2. Here is a link to the Watermelon Movie

  3. I love volunteers! I have a volunteer tomato that has grown in full shade. I transplanted it to a sunnier spot 2 weeks ago. It's the middle of winter here and the plant is nearly a foot tall! Can't wait till it warms up and I find out what sort of tomato it is.

  4. Awesome! Love the watermelon movie and the winter tomato volunteer.
