peas planted!

Friday, August 17, 2012

a toad house for my birthday!!

garden b-day gifts, toad house
I was really lucky to get some garden gifts for my birthday this past week - a toad house, a little sign and a rain gauge. I put the toad house in a shady spot under the parsnips at my community plot. I hope Oracle Toad will appreciate his new home.

I spent an hour or so working in my plot today. I mostly removed mildewed and wilting squash leaves and vines. This gave me good space for fall seedlings. But it also removed shelter where Toad was hiding. I hope he will like his new home.

My new rain gauge is on my window sill as I admire it - a small gnome is holding the gauge. Looks like he will be good company for the other gnomes in my side yard garden.

garden b-day gifts 1


  1. Love the gnome watergage and happy birthday.

  2. Happy birthday!!! I've never seen a toad house, could you take a picture?

  3. The toad house is in the shadows. I guess its really hard to see. I'll see if I can get a better photo next time I'm at the garden. Maybe Toad will be in it.
