peas planted!

Thursday, February 02, 2012

i am a salmon??

Jeepers, of all the animals one could be.... Although I do love salmon (its our dinner tonight!)

Who does these silly tests anyway - and what does Betty get out of it?

My mom sent me this link, but she didn't tell me what her inner animal is. I will have to ask. (Maybe she will leave a comment???)

I think this link gets you to the quiz.


  1. I am a wolf--since you asked---Mom

  2. Wow, my mom's a wolf!! That's cool. I also heard tell that my dad's a bear and sis and me are salmon..... SO there.

  3. I don't usually do those questionnaire thingys, but I did and I am a Wolf. Perhaps that explains my facination with the Moon, although I haven't howled at it - yet!
    Marian (LondonUK)

  4. I'm a salmon too. Was kind of hoping to be a wolf but reading the results I have to agree...the salmon sounds like me. Thanks

  5. I am a salmon too. I never would have thought of me as a salmon. Prefer to be a dog who is well taken care of by its owner, but can go out and do what I want when I want to. ( Now that sounds pretty good to me :))

  6. I couldn't resist, turns out I'm also a salmon... persistently swimming upstream sounds about right!

  7. Yes, I am always seem to be swimming upstream too.

    My other sister is an otter.
