peas planted!

Thursday, December 08, 2011

sweet potato sprouts on the window sill

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My sweet potatoes I dug last fall finally sprouted this fall. As Donald recommended, I potted them up. They are on my kitchen window sill with cacti and a poinsettia.

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  1. Very pretty! It's always nice when you finally see those sprouts pop up and realize that you did it!

  2. My wife is proud of me that you mentioned my name. Thanks Kathy

  3. Glad to see sweet potato growing on your windowsill indoor. I am experimenting this year and recently potted the vine I was rooting. It is growing on my windowsill and so far looks healthy.

  4. Will you replant outside in the spring?

    Also, I ate a fair amount of our sweet potato leaves this year. They were really tasty, a little peppery. The heart shapes look beautiful on a salad.

  5. There is the winter squash variety which is grown in summer and can be stored right through winter, hence the name. The skin is thick and hard for winter squash.
