peas planted!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

more fungi

apple diseases (3) apple diseases (2)
apple diseases tomato fungi  004

What a humid summer!

My apples have fungi too. Black mildew on the fruits. The good news is that it washes right off. I picked all my apples today (a bit early) and they washed up perfectly.

Tomato fruits and squash leaves have mildew too.


  1. No pictures or anything else come up on my computer.

  2. Yup. Tuesday and Wednesday I see no photographs at all. ?? Especially excited to see fungal photographs!

  3. I see the photographs - and they make me nervous. I think we have enough breezes on our hill to keep fungus at bay. Of course, I think you got a lot more rain at your end of the state.

  4. Hope the storm coming your way does little to you, your neighbors and all on the east coast. Nick from Central California.

  5. A sggestion that is acceptable in biological agriculture: Bordeaux mixture (a cuper based solution) is it well translated?

    see you!
