peas planted!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

potato order

I just ordered my seed potatoes. Fedco/Moose Tubers has a nice selection of "Keepers" that includes: German Butterball, Katahdin, Elba, Red Pontiac, and Russet Burbank. 2 1/2 lbs of each for only $19. Can't beat it. I'll pick of a few blues at the supermarket to add to my planting.


  1. Rats!-that's a great price. I'll have to jot this down for NEXT year, as I already have my order in. Looks like a nice selection-I've been wanting to try that German Butterball.

  2. Good deal! Russets I've grown, Red Pontiac I've seen. The others are unknown quantities to me (across the pond) I'll be interested to hear more about how you get on with them all.

  3. Have you ordered/used the fedco/moose tubers ones before?

  4. I like your order. well done.

  5. Brilliant price! We got Marfona this year. A few people at the site grew these last year and they were the only second earlies that dug up bigger than a pebble; plus you can leave them happily under the soil until main crop time. Sadly I have never seen Blues in the Supermarkets around here.
    Marian (London UK)

  6. Hi! I would like to talk with you about an award from Horticulture Magazine. I sent an email to your attention earlier.


  7. That's a great price for seed potatoes!

    Do you start any seedlings off old potatoes?

  8. That is a great price for your potato seed.
    I wish I had room for tubers this year.
    On another note, I've read that one should be very careful incorpoating seed potato from unknown sources into the garden because of different diseases they can carry.

  9. just found your blog, I just set up a seed growing area in an upstairs bedroom, it looks just like the shelves that you have. I'm excited my seedlings are growing fast, but I have too many of the same thing I think, what did you start inside beside tomatoes?
