peas planted!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

garden work

- Spray bean plants with Captain Jack's Deadbug Brew, active ingredient is the bacterium Spinosad. (Its an organic approved spray and I have no idea yet if it will work on my bean beetles, which BTW are turning in very nice orange bugs with black spots.)

- Remove my old red painted garden box that has fallen apart and replace with a basic brown plastic box for my garden stuff.

- Replace the broken tie wraps holding my fence to the fence posts.

- Harvest dill and summer squash.

- Weed a little. I think the weeds have slowed down.

- Plant a couple of new perennials. I bought a purple cone flower and two lemon thyme plants. I love the late summer plant sales.

- Water again, a constant job this year.

1 comment:

  1. Marian(LondonUK)August 20, 2010 1:55 PM

    The fact that the bug spray is made by Captain Jack just brought a smile to my face. Hope it works for you me hearty!
    Marian (LondonUK)
