peas planted!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

crimson fava beans

favas 028
favas 026 favas 025

Almost full size. I've picked a few already, but haven;t tried them yet.


  1. Wow, they are looking great!

  2. Looks good Kathy! I'm still waiting on mine, really should have planted sooner. Seen a recipe for a broad beans & fennel salad, hope I get to try it this year...

  3. Do you grow a fall crop as well? I also planted mine too late, or rather summer came early here! (midAtlantic) So, I got a handful of pods only. They were delicious though--I'll be trying in fall next time.

  4. I tried a fall crop once, but was so far off on the date that the plants were only half grown by frost. I think its harder to plan fall crops. Good luck. I'll probably keep trying. Once you get a date that works, you are probably all set.

  5. Those crimson broad beans taste just fine like many others. A bit small and not many in the pods which are small. But the wonderful flowers make up for that!
