peas planted!

Saturday, June 19, 2010


broccoli (2) coldframe broccoli

I've had several gardeners come by and thank me for weed whacking the community garden paths today. One gardener also commented on my broccoli, which is fantastic this year (variety Blue Wind). I have two patches of broccoli: one at my community plot, the other in my cold frame at home. The gardener said she also has a broccoli that's doing well. Hers is a perennial purple broccoli. Wow that sounds great! She said it overwinters and grows heads every year. And she said she will drop off a few seeds in my garden mailbox. I'm looking forward to this new variety. Sounds great!


  1. A purple broccoli! How awesome! I didn't know they had those. Your broccoli plant looks amazing!

  2. Your broccoli looks wonderful :)

    And yes, purple broccoli does sound great!

  3. Wow, I'd love to know more about that broccoli, like the variety name.... I would love to try that here....
    Ali in Maine

  4. Perennial Broccoli?! I never knew such a thing even existed! Sounds awesome- the idea of perennial veggies is wonderful to me. Did she know what it is called? I'd love to get my hands on some.

  5. Sounds great, but what about crop rotation and if there are any problems? I too would be interested in the variety.

  6. The purple broccolli is the real broccolli (overwintering and becoming a huge plant). The real name of what we commonly name broccolli is in effect Calabrese. Monty Don of Gardener's World (UK) has written a nice article about how to grow the purple broccolli and the differences with the Calabrese.

    Wim from Belgium

  7. where could one find start looking for seeds for such a thing?

  8. Thanks Wim!

    I will post when I find out more about this.

    Maybe these are seed sources?
    Hume Seeds
    Reimer Seeds
    I just googled purple sprouting broccoli to find these. I couldn't find Monty Don's article.

  9. Wow... it overwintered? FANTASTIC!!!

    Would love to see a picture of it!

    Garden broccoli tastes so good! Way better than store bought!

  10. For growing purple sprouting broccolli check out this URL:
    Success, Wim from Belgium
