peas planted!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

planting sweet potatoes

planting sweet potatoes

I've never grown my own sweet potato slips before and I suppose I used a non-traditional method. They aren't really slips, but little plants that I transplanted today. I transplanted about a dozen. I think I heard that they do OK in the shade, so I planted them next to my corn bed.


  1. They look like really nice starts! I was going to try them in my half barrel this year but decided on cabbage instead. Then the chipmunk eat the cabbage and now I got nothing :-) Next year I will have to find a spot for them.

  2. That's sad :(

    I am now devising a way to grow soy beans this year, when the chipmunks have eaten mine the past two years. They eat the dry seeds that I plant, so I will try sprouting them inside and transplanting after they are a good size.

  3. In California you can't get sweet potato slips so I just put the whole thing in the ground once it starts to sprout. I've tried producing my own slips with little luck. Planting the whole things seems to work a lot better for us.

  4. I have been starting my slips for the first time and so far so good. I lost some a couple weeks ago because I was just "adding" water instead of "changing" the water daily. Now I have true leaves on all but one slip. I didn't even think about growing these in a half barrel and my daughter was saying I needed to get them planted soon. This is a good Idea as I hate to be digging for anything with my back being what it is.... Thanks for the tips I learn so much from this blog and am inspired to try new things.
    P.S. The chipmunks have raided my cabbages and asparagus this year. I am going to have to think about a tall planter for them next year as I think their invasion will only get worse with the warmer climate we've had this season.
