peas planted!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

crimson fava beans

crimson fava bean flowers
fava patch crimson fava flowers
My fava beans are starting to bloom! These are the crimson flowered ones from Dan at Urban Veggie Garden Blog in Toronto. I am so excited to see these bright flowers. So for, most are just budded. I'm sure I will get better photos of these later.


  1. Awesome! Glade to see they came out red. I had a mix of red & white and was wondering if they would cross. I started some in pots and have yet to plant them out, hope I am not too late.

  2. Definitely red! Beautiful. Thanks so much.

  3. Gorgeous color!! I'll have to add that to my list of must trys for next year!

  4. Those are gorgeous. I've got the black and white variety--I keep worrying that I should have planted them earlier here in the midatlantic, but we're having a cool spring with sporadic summer days so far.

  5. I wonder if the hummingbirds would like them? Do you know?

  6. Good question! They would seem to be ideal. And my mom just saw a first hummer of the season a couple days ago. I will watch for them.

  7. Those are beautiful flowers! I just planted some but they aren't even sprouted yet. Hope their blossoms are just as pretty.

  8. How did these work out? I'm interested in growing favas as a fall crop in Northern California.
