Friday, May 28, 2010

Brooklyn community garden fights back

Here's an email a fellow gardener, Victoria, sent me yesterday.
Thought you might find this news item interesting in regard to community gardens....This community garden in Brooklyn fought back after being threatened with destruction and won!

I don't know if you know, but that's just what happened to the original Belmont Victory gardens, which were located on Concord Ave. The Town wanted to build new athletic fields and relocated the gardens to the wilds of Rock Meadow, which they had just purchased from McLean Hospital, circa 1962.

Brooklyn community garden fights back


CJ said...

Glad you won your battle. Here in Naperville, IL, we lost ours. Half of the garden plots are being torn up right now, for athletic fields. The city and Park district did add a few additional plots to the back of the garden plot area, but not enough. They don't realize how long it takes to get real good soil.

Chris Kreussling (Flatbush Gardener) said...

I've been involved with the struggle to save the Campus Road Garden. They haven't won. They have a stay of execution. The College had already partially uprooted the garden when a judge ordered them to stop until a hearing could be scheduled, for June.

Marian(LondonUK) said...

Hope the hearing brings victory to the gardeners. We are constantly fighting off our local borough council they just want to plough up the land and sell it at a huge profit to developers.