peas planted!

Friday, October 16, 2009

what is this?

unknown tree 1
This tree (or a large bush) grows along the path Skippy and I take to the swimming hole. I've often wondered what it is. Does anyone know? The leaves remind me of a chokecherry, but these fruits are very unusual.

unknown tree 2


  1. It's a euonymus! If you care to compare, there are many, many varieties in the Arnold Arboretum in Jamaica Plain.

  2. There's a pretty good tree identification thingy at (I've run partway thru it, but there are some questions I can't answer by looking at the pictures).

  3. I think its a native euonymous! An eastern wahoo. Thanks!

  4. I would also say it's a euonymus - there are quite a few ornamentals so there are quite a number of species to chose from!

  5. Looks like Euonymus--not sure if it is a native species though. The SE one, "hearts a bustin" has orange seeds inside a pink shell.

  6. Hearts a Bustin' shell looks spiny and ours is smooth? It seems that maybe the shell color will change from white to pink (I'll watch), or that there is color variation.

    "The fruit of the eastern wahoo is a smooth reddish to pink four-lobed (sometimes one or more of the lobes aborte) obrhombic capsule, up to 1.7 cm in diameter. The capsule opens along the lobes, exposing the seeds that are covered by a bright red fleshy aril. The seeds (sans aril) are orange, glabrous, ellipsoid, 7.0 to 11.0 by 4.0 to 5.5 mm, glabrous."

  7. I am just SO impressed by the feedback here. Thanks! I've often wondered what this tree/bush is.

  8. no idea but it reminds me of your popcorn

  9. Yes. It does look like popcorn.
