peas planted!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

bright fall cosmos

fall cosmos
© Skippy's Vegetable Garden

It seems that cosmos are the latest spots of color in the garden this year. My marigolds and zinnias are long gone. These cosmos are at the Cambridge community garden I visited yesterday. I like the bold magenta tones.


  1. Beautiful Kathy, sorry to hear about the 'Pirates'. I wrote a comment yeaterday about it but I couldn't find it now. I just wanted to tell you that it has happened to me too and what I did was to shorten the feed at Blogger. Go in inder setting , feeds and change it to SHORT.
    Good luck/ Tyra

  2. Kathy I love your sight, it was one of the reasons I began to garden this year. I just went back to the pirating sight to see if they posted my comment from the other day and found that they had also posted your photos and comments from your two most recent posts, the fall veggies and the cosmos.

  3. I love your site... and Skippy! You've done a fabulous job! Catherine

  4. They actually uploaded your post on them pirating from you (check out page 5)! How ironic is that? This person needs to stop being so lazy and start publishing his/her own material. You should keep posting warnings about them so it shows up on their site.

  5. Call me parinod...but what is that other site up to? In order to leave a comment you have to leave you email and or website...seems odd and untrustworthy in multiple ways. Creepy!

    More importantly...Love your posts, truely beautiful pictures!

  6. Kathy-

    Amazing to me that you still have beautiful cosmos blooming in your part of the world. Here in Oregon, we had a hard frost the night of October 12th. Cosmos are now just a dream for 2010.
