peas planted!

Monday, September 07, 2009

photos from last week

harvest 1
purple calabash purple calabash on the vine
harvest 5 escarole seedlings
my plot 4 my plot 3


  1. Skippy sure does take ownership around the place, doesn't he?! What a crack up.

    The photos are always. Such a bountiful harvest!! Your soil looks so nice, I want to walk in it with bare!

  2. Fantastic Kathy, can I ask you what the variety name for that lovely purple beef tomato and also the patty pan squashes yellow and green top right, on top of your courgettes? Thanks. I am of course ignoring the huge vegetables that appear in the bottom right of your lovely pictures. It was our festival yesterday afternoon, we auctioned off some giant vegetables and freshly dug and picked stuff at the end of the afternoon, people went wild for the veggies offering between £6 and £10 for various sized and mixed boxes. We are going to put the money forward to get some water tanks installed on the site.
    Marian (LondonUK)

  3. That burgundy ruffled tomato is one of the prettiest I've seen. What variety is it?

  4. Purple Calabash is absolutely lovely ! Gorgeous harvest and photos, as usual.

  5. The purple ruffled tomato is Purple Calabash - a fantastic tomato for slicing and sauce and a very heavy producer.

    The yellow patty pan squash is Sunburst. My favorite summer squash - very nice flavor.

    The festival sounds fun. I have to remember to organize our seed swap day. It will be the first weekend of Oct.

  6. I am amazed at your harvest so far this year. My garden is 20x50' and we have hardly gotten anything out of it. This was our first year so next year we are hoping to do better. We've gotten about 10 zucchinis, 3 yellow squash, a dozen tomatoes, about 10 pounds of potatoes, 30 out of 100 onions, radishes flopped, lettuce flopped, 3 hopefully next year is better! But once again, I really enjoy looking at your blog it's brilliant!


  7. Sounds pretty good for a first year. You'll probably get tons of stuff next year.

  8. I love the purple calabash, so beautiful. How was the taste? I'm trying to figure out what types of tomatoes to grow next year already.

  9. What a fantastic harvest!!!! Those tomatoes are so pretty!
