peas planted!

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

a disastrous year for massachusetts farming

"Governor Deval Patrick today asked federal officials to declare most of Massachusetts a disaster zone for agricultural production losses, which are expected to amount to tens of millions of dollars .... He said the state estimates it lost more than 30 percent of the value of its tomato crop, about 50 percent of the value of its corn crops, and nearly 100 percent of the tobacco crop." Boston Globe


  1. Hi, Kathy. I tried to contact you at some point last year but I think my timing was off. My name is Jane Dornbusch and I am a food writer for the Boston Globe. Would you be interested in talking to me for a possible Globe story about pumpkins? If so, could you please email me at, and we can figure out how to proceed? I enjoy your blog and hope we can connect! Thanks.

  2. Hi Kathy,
    I hope you do an article!

  3. Wow I'm surprised about the corn (not about tomatoes). Corn last year at the farmers' market was 75 cents per ear. This year it is 50. I figured the corn was doing fine.
