peas planted!

Monday, May 25, 2009

so many rabbits...

Copy of IMG_7666
Copy of IMG_7616 rabbit stretch

I think we have a bumper crop of rabbits this year. I have never seen so many. Babies and adults - they don't even run from gardeners and cameras. A pair lives in my neighbors backyard and Skippy watches them through the fence. He'd love to get out and chase them. I disturbed 3 tiny little babies while weed whacking the garden paths yesterday. Very cute!

The baby bunny in the photo here was at Mt Auburn cemetery today and hardly even looked up at me. The big one is the neighbor bunny that Skippy has his eye on.


  1. we have Rabbits so big in our neighborhood you would think you could ride them. Today I put up a chickenwire fence to keep them out of our garden. They had been in there munching on a bit of everything.

  2. Thay are so cute, great shots! Gotta love Spring and all the babies it brings.

  3. We've had a lot of the little veggie murders this year too. I lost an entire crop of peas and most of my beans to them.

  4. I keep seeing a huge bunny below our yard. At first I was a bit concerned about it eating all my lettuce but now I have so much growing it might be a good thing. I remember as a child that a rabbit kept eating my Grandpa's vegetables so he eventually trapped it and we had it for dinner. It was a little scaring...

  5. Oh my. You must have a lot of lettuce!

  6. Oh those wascaly wabbits. They will ruin a row of sugar peas in one sitting. I keep my "succulents" behind chicken wire, but still, I often think a savory "Wabbit Stew" would be the answer.

  7. This is an emotional dilemma. They are so cute to look at, but they just destroy your veggie garden. I wouldn't have the nerve to kill one myself, but if someone else did I would make a delicious rabbit pie!

  8. soon enough you may have a family of red-tail hawks living nearby. It lowered the population at my school garden. I nearly dug into a den of baby rabbits once. I am so glad I missed them.

  9. and... personally I have far less damage from rabbits than deer, ground hogs and some pesky insects.

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