peas planted!

Friday, May 15, 2009

alpine strawberry

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Copy of IMG_7254 Copy of IMG_7252

I dug up my 5 year old alpine strawberry plant and split it into 5 plants. I now have a whole row! They make sweet tiny strawberries all season. The first berries are forming now.

alpine strawberries (Fraises des bois)


  1. How do you split them? I thought you had to wait for runners, but if you can split them, that's great! I had no idea!

  2. Hi, I am new to gardening and very much enjoying your blog. I live in California and only have a small balcony, however, it is full of pots. I was wondering, how did you split the strawberry plant? Mine is growing quite large. Thanks!

  3. Your strawberries look awesome Kathy!

  4. I have these growing like weeds in my "lawn". Not much of lawn left now that the strawberries invaded, not that I mind. The dog eats them up though whenver she's outside, I rarely get any to eat.

  5. Alpine strawberries do not get runners and can be split by digging up the plant and breaking it up after it has grown for a few years. After digging it up and maybe shaking the dirt off a bit, it will naturally fall apart into pieces, each of which is a different plant that can be planted separately.

    Alpine strawberries (Fraises des bois or 'strawberries of the wood') are quite different from big strawberries. The berries are tiny and produced all summer. It is care free and fantastic!

  6. ps. I'd LOVE to have these in my lawn. How wonderful!

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