peas planted!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

a discovery - over wintered beets and potatoes!

over wintered beet and potatoes\

I was amazed to find a pretty little Chiogga beet and two fingerling potatoes at my plot. They look great after that terrible winter. I'm looking forward to a taste of my garden tomorrow evening! (Maybe with some over wintered kale.) I'll have to search through the soil for more. I knew there was one end of the potato bed that I didn't search through good enough last year.


  1. What a great treasure! Who knows what we'll find in ours! :P

  2. This is just the most fun thing --to find wintered-over treasures in the garden!

  3. Now that would have been a nice surprise. Chiogga beets are my favorite, they are so tender you can almost eat them raw.
