peas planted!

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

autumn roses

november rose
white november rose skippy by the roses

There's not really much to do in the garden now, so Skippy and I were out admiring the last of the roses. There is something special about an end of the season rose blossom. It gets that delicate crinkly look to the petals. Against the dying foliage, they look ethereal - an out of context reminder of summer.

These roses are a planting in a park in Cambridge where Skippy and I walked this afternoon. Probably a variety of hardy shrub roses. Very pretty.

Over the past few weeks my husband and I, with a lot of help from my parents, removed all of the big old shrubbery from our front yard and replaced them with new varieties. I have a very sunny area that's still empty where I'd like to plant some roses. I think the colors shown here are my favorites - a delicate shell pink and a white English rose. It will be fun to pick a couple nice ones in the spring. I always like the Austin hybrids.


  1. Beautiful rose shots. It really is amazing the weather some roses can withstand. My neighbor has a orange as well as a yellow bloomed rose. They don't receive an ounce of care and yet they bloom into the snow every year.

    I am fond of the climbing roses. I just planted a "new dawn climber" on the front of the house. Once it gets to a good size I am going to add a clematis to the mix.

    Good luck with your landscaping.

  2. The last autumn roses are very precious. I am very fond of roses. I plant every winter a few also from cuttings I take. Some I loose because of the humidity.

  3. That was a lot of work wasn't it? Good thing you had some help. I have to say I'm pretty awful when it comes to rose maintenance. So I have the Knock-Outs. I would love to do the Austins but feel I would not put the work in to that is needed.

    I love this time of year.

  4. I love David Austin roses. We had a lot of success with Graham Thomas at our last house. The fragrance is wonderful (to me).

    Beware some of his white roses on fragrance, though. If it says "old rose" they're not kidding. I had Bianca and it was downright stinky.

  5. The rose pics are lovely but there is something about that darn dog that makes me smile everytime you post his picture...give him a squeeze for me!

  6. Hope that you'll post some photographs of your new front yard plantings!

  7. Thanks for the rose suggestions. I will look into th knock out roses and Austin varieties. It will be a good project for me during the winter darkness.

    And, I will put together some photos of my front yard soon - before and after. It's finally done! Today I spread the last bag of mulch.

    Also, FYI, Skippy is preparing a letter to the President Elect. Topic: PWDs as a family dog - not for everyone, but a very special companion.

    And, I'm working on a slide show code that will show photos of my gardens growing this year. (oohh, ahhh...) I am learning HTML by the trial and error method.

    Thanks for the comments!~

  8. Fantastic autumn rose. Lovely shots.


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