peas planted!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

lots of pea sprouts

My neighbor was surprised at how dense I planted my peas. Well I didn't expect them all to sprout. How dense do you plant your peas? I have a nice row of sprouts about 8 inches wide and 3 feet long. I'm planting similar rows as soon as the previous sprouting comes up. The photo shows Pisello Nano, a very short (1 foot tall) green shell pea.


  1. I just planted my peas with the help of a coworker in the community garden we set up behind our workplace. I planted just under the suggested 2", he opted for digging a trench and tossing them in. Of course I'm a huge lover of the snap peas, so I'm trying to make the seeds last.

  2. I've got a row of about 5 feet long with peas planted about every 2 inches - sometimes two seeds in each hole to hedge my germination bets.

    In my experience you can get pea plants - even non dwarf varieties - to work even close together. Let's face it, peas rule and the more the merrier!

  3. I planted my sugar snaps one inch apart, they're about 2 feet tall now and happy. Of course I've never grown them before but I generally go with the "more the merrier" philosophy, too!

  4. Great! Me too. I think 'the more the merrier' for peas. Mine probably average 1 inch apart, but I didn't scatter the seed very evenly I guess.

  5. Wow, great pictures.
    You can eat the extra pea seedlings. They are sold at chinese grocery...very expensive and not organic.

  6. What a beautiful sight that is. All that yummy green against the dark soil.~~Dee

  7. Yes! I didn't think of that. If there's too many I'll eat them. I love pea sprouts and pea tendrils.

  8. Peas can tolerate a lot of crowding. I usually plant in double rows (one row on each side of the trellis) with plants thinned to 1-2" apart. How thickly I sow the seeds depends on how good I think they are.

    Like you pointed out, average spacing is probably more important than the space between any two plants.

  9. I have mine at 1 inch apart. They're living very well with the spacing. I have a couple of peas now! Can't wait to have more! Happy gardening.

  10. Great. Happy gardening to you too!
